oxford street |
during my weekend back at london, i managed to be part of this beautiful colour display called the lumiere festival. the festival was only on for 4 days, so i was uber glad to be able to catch it when i least expected to be around during that time.
magnificent works of art were placed in different parts of london, and it was staged almost as a treasure hunt for us to go around and look for them all.
the parents standing in the middle of oxford street |
lanterns hung from side to side, and oxford street was even shut off so everyone can enjoy these pieces in the middle of the street.
if you look closely, there are in fact many plastic bottles filling the fountain in trafalgar sq.! |
the roads being blocked off are not to say however that taking photos were any easier - people flooded the streets from everywhere, particularly on the saturday when the festival became more well known following social media shares and posts.
leicester sq. |
leicester sq staged a beautiful garden themed lighting show. there were lit up reeds, colourful branches of trees, and glowing flowers.
whilst waiting for the rest of the lights to come on, my parents and i decided to go and browse around nespresso to wow at the coffee machines and take advantage of their warmth before heading out in the cold again to look for more lit up art.
nespresso |
we also saw these two soldiers on the way and my mum for some reason was particularly fond with taking pictures with them. my dad reluctantly snapped this one, at which my mum annoyingly complained he chopped off a bit of the guy on the right.
we then went into jd where i picked out some new crepes for my dad, and then met my auntie before continuing with our hunt for the lights.
skeleton light display on oxford street |
mayfair. |
in mayfair, the crowds were huge. everyone were literally like penguins trying to shuffle around and take a look at the lights.
these bird houses were one of my favourites. so inventive, so cute.
another biggie was this display in the middle of the street. it almost looked like a giant fire ball in the sky if you looked at it from afar.
these glowing men also hung everywhere on top of buildings and streets. where you would see people looking up into the sky, you would know you've come across another piece.
this moving animated elephant amused many. on the other side of the building was the elephant's bum!
and lastly, we found this arty paint splatter building which has been casted on by a projector.
at around 10:30pm we finally sat down for dinner at joy king lau. for some reason, it was still so busy at such a late hour. we were however thankful for food and warmth after walking around so long in the cold.
what a nice treat from spontaneity!