Thursday, 24 March 2011

Happy Birthday to me! :D

Well, am I another year older!? my sister offered to bake a cake for me, however she kinda gave up a quarter of the way through the baking process, and so I had to finish it up for her. it may not be the best looking cake in the whole wide world, but I'm pretty darn sure it has the most love put into it!

My mummy cooked up the most delicious pasta for us and we had some fish for the starter! thank youu mummy ^^

it was pretty amazing I'd say, filled with strawberries and topped with blueberries...always on the healthy side of course.. *wink wink*

"Filling it up with strawberries :P"

"Piping on the words..."

so whats left for me to say? happy birthday to me!

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