Monday, 9 May 2011

Puff pastry frisbees

Doesn't EVERYONE just LURRRV puff pastry?! It's the easiest thing to use and guides you to baking lovely homemade goods in no time. Another +ive is that it goes well with sweet AND savoury foods! In this case, I've used it to make these lovely fruit frisbees; looking delicate and a piece of food thats taken ages to make - but really, literally 2 minutes! And the best thing about it? - nothing will ever go wrong with this recipe!

Fruit Frisbees
225g ready-made puff pastry
A sprinkle of caster sugar
Apricot jam, warmed, sieved
A pear
Sliced peaches
2 plums
A glace cherry
A banana
Melted butter

Set oven to 220C/425F/gas 7. Lightly grease the baking tray with some melted butter. 
Roll out the pastry to about 3mm thick. Cut circles using a cutter/circular lid. Cut around the banana twice to make two banana shapes.
Slice the plums and pear thinly and arrange as "fans" onto the circular pastries. 

Cut the banana in half and lay onto the "banana-shaped" pastries. Brush the fruit with some melted butter and sprinkle the sugar on top. 
Bake the tarts for about 20 mins until the pastry is crisp and the fruit is cooked. Put on a wire rack to cool.
When the tarts have cooled, brush the fruit with a little apricot jam, to glaze the tarts.

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