So let's get into the main point...
On a very rare occasion, I got woken up by a streak of light yesterday from the early sun through a crack of a curtain. For some odd reason, I could not get back to sleep, even knowing it was 5:30 am. You read that right, 5:30 in the morning. As it happens to most (well me anyway), we see the sunset more than sunrise. I happen to sit on the window ledge this morning, staring at the unfamiliar face of a sunrise. Apart from how beautiful it looked, it somehow reminded me of the sun in telletubies o_O.
Anyhow, the whole house still being asleep and the sun already rising and shining, I had this brilliant idea of making a nice healthy breakfast with lots of bacon and a tablespoon of baked beans. Only to realise, we had run out of bacon from lunch and baked beans, well let's just say not enough was stocked up. I ended up making a traditional cheese on toast. And with that idea clicked in mind and hearing my early riser dad making his way down, I set to a rare making of a healthy breakfast. I managed to scavage some plump strawberries too; into our breakfast menu they go....
So here we have it, a table for two; munched up in the early hours of..7:30 am when I would usually still be snoring. It's progress I'd say......into...well, making breakfast.
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