The first insta-thursty of 2013! The week has started off busy; I have gone back to school with piles of revision and numerous exams..oh the joy of may and june to come.
As of this year, I have challenged myself to the
365 photo challenge where I aim to take one picture everyday according to the selected theme. At the end of the year, if my endurance is high, I really hope to be able to put together a mini photo journal of the year, should be a very good keepsake of my year in photos! Not only this, but I believe it will bump up my skills in photography and allow me to explore capturing things around me. This should be a very interesting challenge!
But as of now, happy insta-thursty!
a cute, mini tree I came across during a little walk through the park |
what's more perfect than a Starbucks on a sunday afternoon? |
managed to see my good friend after a whole year since she went to California, so happy! |
my art coursework in progress - extremely last minute as I chose not to start on it until the day before it was due in; I know I'm a bad girl D; |
my painting in progress at 11:30pm. |
Although life has been quite stressful this week with exams, coursework and revision, I guess it is what makes me who I am today and I am thankful that I am able to live through 2013 and enjoy life at the same time :)
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