Tuesday, 1 July 2014

a bantiful weekend.

This past weekend was crazy fun. I felt as though I was almost a hyperactive dog finally being let out the house - it's been far too long since I've had such a blast after the hell of exams. Defo feel as though I've missed out on so much fun. Here are some polaroids from this weekend!

Saturday was a special day, witnessing the baptism of our brother and buying ridiculously pink flowers for him. This is what friends are for! :)

I dropped by a friend's house with a group of girls and had sushi tea accompanied with perks of laughter. And of course, we had to watch the world cup before leaving.

On Sunday, I went to Regents Park with the crew after church for football practise. Well, practically speaking, their football practise. Me? Yeah, I don't mix with exercise. 
Also, how do people do football AND rain?

Hope everyone's had as much of a blast as me! Bring on the next weekend!!!!!!

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