Friday, 28 November 2014

london photoshoot: st. james park

^^ how amazingly red is this wall of leaves?!^^
few weeks ago, i had the privilege of going on a photoshoot with my creative kelly! you might remember the amazing photoshoot we had back in june! she's going to be studying graphic design so we had a blast letting out all our camera fun and ideas together on a surprisingly warm october thursday.
spontaneous is the key word as of lately. but fun and spontaneous seem a perfect match, non?

it was only one full day of shooting around london but it felt like we travelled the world! we visited many places (by feet!) and took so many photos i thought it would be wise to split them up in different posts.

the colour of the autumnal leaves were so beautiful! unfortunately the sun was setting by this point and it was only a light visit. the bitter breeze was drawing in and you could hear the squirrels rustling every now and then. how perfect.

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  1. Love ur jumper!

    Check out my new post Here!!!

  2. Oh, heather! Let us have a lot more photoshoot to come in the future! Love ya x

  3. These photos are so pretty! Love the wall of leaves especially x
    The Caramel Cat


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