Wednesday, 10 December 2014

it's the most beautiful time of the year...

gahhhhh....the sweet smelling spices

the sight of families lugging enormous christmas trees home

the festivities of christmas songs and jingles ringing in my ear

and of course the christmas lights twinkling in every direction

christmas is a bit different in my household this year with all the house renovations and my race to complete all my coursework and essays before the term ends and deadlines come to greet me. christmas seemed much easier and happier when i was younger - so carefree and no sense of plan needed for the coming year. it is definitely a learning curve to appreciate time and even stress - when time goes you can't get it back!

savour these moments and senses, especially the festivities of the month despite any last minute work before christmas. the countdown is ON!

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  1. It is the best time for sure!

    Check out my new post Here!!!

  2. I wish you a delightful, blessed Xmas :)


  3. Awesome picture, sweetie ^_^




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