Thursday, 8 January 2015

happy birthday dear mummy...

^^ when the selfie stick is particularly handy!

every new years eve there will be a special cake cut.... a special song sung... a special meal eaten and fireworks to end the evening

the cook this year appears to my dad who by the looks of things enjoys grilling his sweetcorn!

we were served tiger bread and smoked salmon for the starter. and as for the main...well it was just too tasty i forgot to take a picture of it! 

this year we also had a lovely little guest who came to stay with us during this holiday break

with the kitchen not fully finished yet, i still managed to find my scales after opening what seems like 2443 million cardboard boxes and cooked up this yummy matcha cheesecake. i made a smaller version of these here!

what a perfect finish to 2014.

post signaturehappy birthday mummy, i love you!!


  1. Beautiful pictures :) xo

  2. Darling post!


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