Friday, 27 March 2015

a good lemon drizzle cake.

what makes a good lemon drizzle you ask. a good, moist base. a zesty zing. and a light sugary glaze.

this has already been my second lemon drizzle cake in two weeks. well one was a loaf actually, so it doesn't exactly count. but mannnnn, lemons are so damn good. and not just in cake either, as lemon green tea makes my heart fuzzy too.

i am a total sucker for writing recipe posts these days as 1) every time i'm done with baking the sun has set meaning poorly lit photos and 2) well...the food just gets eaten before i manage to take pictures of it!
you would not understand the anticipation in my household as i carefully arranged the little pieces of lemon slices and fork for this post. *insert round of applause for not eating the cake straight out the oven*

and wow, i've just realised how much of a sucker i am with white balance too. to be brutally and sadly honest with y'all, i haven't picked up my camera in so long. maybe even half a year ya'no. ever since getting a smart phone, i would rather snap a quick photo for instagram and snapchat than busting out my camera, which in fact had been collecting dust, in a literal term. what a tragic story.

so as my craving has led me...i have been on the quest for trying out different lemon cake recipes. this one seemed to hit the spot this week, which was found from this website via pinterest. this doesn't have the lemon drizzle topping that i absolutely loveeeee however, so i simply poked holes in the cake using a skewer when it came out, and quickly put together a runny icing sugar mix with some lemon juice. 
yum yum yum. easy as 1 2 3


Preparation Time – 10 minutesBaking Time – 50 minutesServes – 8

125g butter, softened
3 eggs
1 1/4 cups caster sugar
1 1/2 cups self raising flour
1/2 cup milk
finely grated rind of 1 lemon
juice of 1 lemon

Preheat oven to 180C. Grease and line the base of a deep 20cm cake pan with baking paper.

Beat butter, rind and sugar in a bowl until creamy and fluffy. Add eggs one at a time, beating after each addition. Sift flour over the egg mixture. Add juice and beat for a few seconds. Add milk and beat until well combined.

Pour in prepared tin. Tap the tin on the worktop to settle the batter. Bake in preheated oven for approximately 50-60 minutes until golden and cooked through when tested with a skewer.

Stand cake for 5 minutes, then turn onto a cake plate or wire rack and cool completely.

If you want a quick lemon drizzle, simply poke holes in the cake using a skewer and mix together about 3 tbsp of icing sugar and some lemon juice to get it to a runny consistency. drizzle this over and voila!

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  1. oh god it looks delicious!!! Can I have a slice or two? ;) In the meanwhile, what do you think of following each other, maybe inspire each other? Please let me know! Have a great weekend :)

  2. This is totally delicious !!!


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