Saturday, 11 April 2015

trifle master.

who doesn't love a good trifle eh. the multiple textures of velvety goodness and bites, sandwiched with alternate layers of tangy fruit, custard, cream and crunches.

this was just a quick dessert i threw together one night as i realised i had bought two cartons of double cream by accident and needed to use it up before the best before date. i have an unfortunate tendency of going food shopping and coming back with a load of stuff, and forgetting to use them up before the go off :(

but no worries here, for trifles save the day!! traditionally, trifles compose of some fruit, sponge, cream, jelly and custard, but changing it up to your own taste is easy peasy lemon squeezy, and such a good way to use up ingredients quickly.

for this trifle master here, the layers were simply freshly whipped double cream with a couple tablespoons icing sugar whisked in, custard (from powder), crushed chocolate wheetos cereal, some lightly roasted dessicated coconut, sliced up bananas and a strawberry on the top! 


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