bit of a late post, but hey ho! september is a busy month every year. it is my dad's birthday, then my parents' wedding anniversary, and lastly my sister's birthday. but this year, on top of all this, i had to move into uni. haynam's birthday happened to be on the day before i had to move, and i really had not finished packing, so we all opted for a simple dinner at a korean restaurant to mark this great milestone of hers.
in addition to haynam's birthday however, of course there had to be some sort of farewell party for me too. so it ended up being joint celebrations (or not so celebratory at the fact i'm leaving), for the both of us.
loksze came over to join us for dinner, and chloe too, a girl who will be living at our house for two years whilst she works towards her alevels (good luck!). needless to say, we had a great time chatting and laughing over some tasty dishes, one of which was a scrummy seafood korean barbecue.
i did not want this night to end at all, as it meant i would be leaving some of the closest people in my life soon. i love being cheeky with my sister, and it is just messing around and having fun with my partner in crime that i'll miss when i leave.

i'm also so happy loksze came over to share this meal with us. he's been such a caring and supportive boyfriend, and the smiles and laughter he brought to the table that evening shows that he has fit right into the family. i really can't wait for many more family dinners like this to come.
wow, 16 years my dear sister; time has really flown by. i still remember mum and dad giving me lego bricks as a gift when you came into this world, as an attempt to tell me that you'll a positive change in my life. and i couldn't agree more - you manage to bring out the fun side of me, and teach me a great deal of patience. you taught me how to share, to love, and to care for some one. you're crazy with me, share the same banter with me, and laugh at the same things as me.
happy birthday dear one, can't wait to see how God will work through you this year, and the many blessings you'll receive. lots of love, me.

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