here's the second part to my birthday post!
my mum and i had been struggling to plan my birthday dinner as we preferred the cosiness of home but didn't like so much preparation. after a quick scroll through pinterest, i came across the idea of a taco bar! we jumped onto tesco online and ordered our taco ingredients for the next day.
with little prep, all i did was place the ribs, pulled pork and chicken (which we then shredded) in the oven, prepared some guacamole, my dad made a quick rice and chopped up some salad leaves. the rest were just sides including cheese (lots), taco beans, dips and tortillas.
we had a fun evening of pretending to be vloggers with a selfie stick, sharing jokes and taking silly pictures.
cake time consisted of many pictures as per every birthday. ^ this one here is my fave from the night. it somehow conveys all our personalities so perfectly.
i was lucky to have kelly and her b-e-a-utiful camera with us - she managed to snap some dashing shots such as this:
^kelly the cutie pie
my cakes were hand-bought from patisserie valerie by my parents - a cute way to incorporate a variety of flavours to suit different people's tastes.
now let's roll the family pics:
^mummy and daddy
and a good ole family pic to tie the day up.
it's official - i'm 19.

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