Friday, 28 October 2016

kensington gardens.

before i left for a little under a month to korea, i met up with etain to complete some girly tasks aka shop. we stopped by oxford street to grab some 'essentials' such as new sunnies and a few shirts...and also at carnaby street where i picked up the cutest playsuit from brandy melville for my upcoming holidays.

we then dropped by kensington after a hefty tube changes to especially check out their branch of nyx in boots. i swear we are their biggest fans and we can talk about their makeup for days. nyx, feel free to hit us up and send us some goodies! 

 for lunch, we grabbed a fancy mcdonalds with a £1.99 voucher and headed to the posh ends of kensington gardens to absorb the summer vibes, pick out the people who are hunting for pokemons and people watch (big time).

etain mentioned that there was a japanese garden somewhere in the park and so we set foot to find it. unfortunately, it wasn't as easy as we thought it would be and google maps turned out not to be our forte. after wandering about for half an hour and losing hope as i had to rush home to pack for korea the next day, we stumbled upon the garden.

and man was it worth all that hassle. the garden was 100% zen and this mini waterfall was definitely the centrepiece of it all. 

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if you are ever in these ends, you must check out this hidden gem! 
my next post should be about my travels and experiences in korea, so keep a look out!


  1. It looks a really beautiful place and you had a perfect outfit for that day!!! Kisses from Italy and thank you for stopping at my blog,

    Eniwhere Fashion
    Eniwhere Fashion Facebook

  2. wow these gardens are really charming. And how cute you look in the pic. Very nice pics, and looks like a great sightseeing destination.
    New post on my blog . Do drop by soon <3

  3. Super post. :D <3
    What do you think we follow?
    Fashion Lover


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